Workshop Reviews
Thanks again for sharing your wisdom and gift of painting, you get us all so excited and inspired to paint!

My granddaughter Laurel, and myself have had a most memorable Watercolor Workshop 2018, in Lake Constance, Germany. Our instructor, Eric Wiegardt, was at his best, zeroing into each student’s artistic needs in their painting every day, of the two weeks we were there in Germany.
Eric has a very keen eye in looking and evaluating one’s work. Laurel and I would love to join Eric and Ann for next year’s Watercolor Workshop in Spain, if we can arrange it. Thank you so very much, both Eric and Ann. Ann’s job is to put these wonderful workshops together. This wonderful event will be a lovely memory for a very long time.
I have taken several workshops taught by Eric, including two in international settings. Though I have been painting watercolors for many years, I never fail to gain skill and insight from his instruction. I have recommended his workshops to many painter friends, and those who have taken them have come away well satisfied.
Each of his workshops has been characterized by careful planning and organization. In the case of plein air, the sites are well chosen. There is always a demonstration accompanied by comments regarding the principles underlying Eric’s process.
This is followed by time for the students to paint during which Eric circulates, giving feedback to each painter. I have found that his suggestions have been consistently helpful in achieving the goals I have had for a particular painting. In most cases, after time for lunch, this process is repeated.
Finally, at the end of the day, there is a critique. This is always very valuable because, Eric reviews the guiding principles he has presented in terms of his demos and in relation to the work the students have done that day.
Eric is a clear, generous and patient teacher. Regardless of the level of the students, he is always constructive and encouraging. I feel that my own work has progressed a great deal as a result of his teaching.
Both Eric and his wife, Ann, who handles most of the administrative duties, are warm and caring people. Together, they are able to create a sense of community among the participants. As a result, the friendly atmosphere, along with the excellent instruction, make for a worthwhile painting experience.